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Modelling and Simulations for Tourism and Hospitality
An Introduction

Jacopo A. Baggio (University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL)
Rodolfo Baggio (Bocconi University, Milan, Italy)

Channel View
Bristol, UK, 2020



This book offers an essential introduction to the use of various modelling tools and simulation techniques in the domains of tourism and This book aims to shed light on the use of various modelling tools and simulation techniques in the domains of tourism and hospitality. It offers an essential introduction to the most popular methods used for modelling and simulating systems and phenomena of interest, and an overview of these techniques and methods. The main concept of each technique and method is examined and case studies and links to free online tutorials and other helpful resources are provided. The volume aims to encourage students, researchers and practitioners in tourism and hospitality to enhance and enrich their toolbox in order to achieve a better and more profound knowledge of their field.

Jacopo A. Baggio is Assistant Professor, University of Central Florida, USA. His research interests include the analysis and modelling of social-ecological systems.

Rodolfo Baggio is Professor, Bocconi University, Italy. His research interests include complexity science and network science application to the tourism and hospitality domains.

Chapter 1: Systems and tourism systems
Chapter 2: Models and modelling
Chapter 3: Methodological approaches
Chapter 4: Advanced modelling methods
Chapter 5: Choosing a modelling method
Chapter 6: Tourism and hospitality case studies
Appendix 1: Further readings
Appendix 2: Software programs
Subject Index

A very critical, engaging and timely text on the complexity and dynamics of systems and modelling in the domain of tourism. Authored by two highly critical thinkers, the depth, methodological rigor and case diversity included within make for a challenging yet interesting read on an expanding area of research significance.
Alan Fyall, University of Central Florida, USA

I really enjoyed this book, which combines basic information on systems theory and tourism systems with more advanced ideas related to networks, network analysis and agent-based modeling. It brings together theory with helpful practical advice and is an important reference for those working in tourism.
Daniel R. Fesenmaier, Modul University Vienna, Austria

This book communicates the science and art of modelling in a way that will inspire many to adopt system-level perspectives and explore alternative research approaches. The application examples at the end of the book are especially helpful as they illustrate not only the usefulness of different modelling strategies but also the importance of methodological choices.
Ulrike Gretzel, University of Southern California, USA

Read an excerpt (pdf file)

More info: Publisher's website


R. Baggio - Last update: December 2019
