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Tourism, technologies and complex systems - Turismo, tecnologie e sistemi complessi

My Erdös number = 5


Modelling and Simulations for Tourism and Hospitality: An Introduction (go)
J.A Baggio and R.Baggio (2020)

Quantitative Methods in Tourism: A Handbook - 2nd edition (go)
R. Baggio and J. Klobas (2017)

Internet e Turismo 2.0 (go)
M. Antonioli Corigliano e R. Baggio, (2011)

Network analysis and tourism: From Theory to Practice (go)
N. Scott, R. Baggio, C.s Cooper

Network Analysis of a Tourism Destination (go)
Rodolfo Baggio (2008) PhD Thesis

Recent works on arXiv preprints repository check here.


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Food consumption, cognitive functions and Nobel laureates
Annals of Improbable Research online (November 19, 2012)
(pdf file and here)

Recent publications (from 2015)

[older can be found here]

Tourism, technologies etc.
[Turismo, tecnologie ecc.]
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Complex systems and networks
[Sistemi complessi e reti]

Complex systems and networks [ Sistemi complessi e reti ]

  • Tourism Disaster Management: A Social Network Analysis of Nature-based Destinations in Aotearoa New Zealand (paper)
    Danzi, L., Orchiston, C., Higham, J. & Baggio, R. (2024)
    Journal of Travel Research (doi: 10.1177/00472875241268623)

  • Towards a model to measure the efficiency of inter-organizational knowledge transfer for tourism destinations (paper)
    Raisi, H., Esfandiar, K., Barratt-Pugh, L.,, Willson, G., & Baggio, R. (2024)
    Tourism Management Perspectives, 53, art. 101282.

  • Collaboration and Cooperation: a Network Analytic Approach (paper)
    Baggio, R. & Ruggieri, G. (2024)
    International Journal of Islands Research, 5(1), art. 2

  • Developing a weighted model to measure knowledge diffusion in a tourism destination network (paper)
    Raisi, H., Barratt-Pugh, L., Baggio, R., Willson, G., Huang, S., & Esfandiar, K. (2024).
    Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research (doi: 10.1080/10941665.2024.2335253)

  • A social network analysis of interlocking directorates in complex business ecosystems: an application to hospitality firms (paper)
    Baggio, R., Guizzardi, A. & Mariani, M. (2022)
    International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (doi: 10.1108/IJCHM-03-2022-0315)

  • Tourism destination brokers: a network analytic approach (paper)
    Ruggieri, G., Iannolino, S. & Baggio, R. (2022).
    Annals of Tourism Research (doi: 10.1016/j.annals.2022.103488)

  • Network analysis - Connecting the dots to understand tourism (paper)
    Baggio, R. in: Egger. R.(ed.) (2022). Applied Data Science in Tourism. Interdisciplinary Approaches,
    Methodologies, and Applications. Springer

  • Innovazione nel settore alberghiero: un’analisi del contesto riminese (paper)
    Mazza, A., Baggio, R., Cappiello, G., & Visentin, M. (2021)
    XVIII Convegno annuale della Società Italiana Marketing, Ancona (14-15 ottobre).

  • Increasing the efficiency of knowledge transfer in Italian tourism system: a network approach (paper)
    Valeri, M., & Baggio, R. (2021)
    Current Issues in Tourism (doi: 10.1080/13683500.2021.1937960)

  • La resilienza nei sistemi ecologici e sociali: connettività, diversità e retroazione (paper)
    Baggio, J. A., & Baggio, R. (2021). In M. Valeri, A. Scuttari & H. Pechlaner (Eds.), Resilienza e sostenibilità - dinamiche globali e risposte locali (pp. 31-46). Torino: Giappichelli.

  • Complexity traits and synchrony of cryptocurrencies price dynamics (paper)
    Provenzano, D. & Baggio, R. (2021). Decisions in Economics and Finance (doi: 10.1007/s10203-021-00319-w)

  • Tourism destinations: A universality conjecture based on network science (paper)
    Baggio, R. (2020). Annals of Tourism Research (doi: 10.1016/j.annals.2020.102929)

  • Computational modelling and simulations in tourism: A primer (paper)
    Baggio, R. (2020). Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights, 1(1) art. 100005

  • Visitor flows (paper)
    Scaglione, M. & Baggio, R. (2021). In Buhalis, D. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing,
    Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar Publishing

  • Network analysis methods (paper)
    Baggio, R. (2021). In Buhalis, D. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing,
    Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar Publishing

  • Network science and sustainable performance of family businesses in tourism (paper)
    Baggio, R., Valeri, M. (2020). Journal of Family Business Management (doi: 10.1108/JFBM-06-2020-0048)

  • Digital Ecosystems, Complexity and Tourism Networks (paper)
    Baggio, R. (2020). In Xiang Z., Fuchs M., Gretzel U., Höpken W. (eds)
    Handbook of e-Tourism. Springer, Cham. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-05324-6_91-1)

  • Italian tourism intermediaries: a social network analysis exploration (paper)
    Valeri, M., & Baggio, R. (2020)
    Current Issues in Tourism (doi: 10.1080/13683500.2020.1777950)

  • Social network analysis: organizational implications in tourism management (paper)
    Valeri, M., & Baggio, R. (2020)
    International Journal of Organizational Analysis (doi: 10.1108/IJOA-12-2019-1971)

  • The science of complexity in the tourism domain: a perspective article (paper)
    Baggio, R. (2019). Tourism Review doi: 10.1108/TR-04-2019-0115

  • The relevance of Mixed Methods for Network Analysis in Tourism and Hospitality Research (paper)
    Baggio, R. & Mariani, M. (2020)
    International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (doi: 10.1108/IJCHM-04-2019-0378)

  • Destination events, stability, and turning points of development (paper)
    Sainaghi, R. & Baggio, R.
    Journal of Travel Research (2019), (doi: 10.1177/0047287519890927)

  • A complex network analysis of inbound tourism in Sicily (paper)
    Provenzano, D.: & Baggio, R. (2019)
    International Journal of Tourism Research (doi: 10.1002/JTR.2343)

  • A Network Perspective of Knowledge Transfer in Tourism (paper)
    Raisi, H., Baggio, R., Barratt-Pugh, L., & Willson, G. (2020)
    Annals of Tourism Research, 80 (doi: 10.1016/j.annals.2019.102817).

  • Clusters of topics and research designs in peer-to-peer accommodation platforms (paper)
    Sainaghi, R. & Baggio, R.
    International Journal of Hospitality Management (2019), (doi: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2019.102393)

  • The effects generated by events on destination dynamics and topology (paper)
    Sainaghi, R. & Baggio, R.
    Current Issues in Tourism (2019), (doi: 10.1080/13683500.2019.1650007)

  • Weighted networks: the issue of dichotomization (paper)
    Baggio, R.
    International Journal of Tourism Sciences, (2019), 19(1), 56-64

  • Analysing Linkage between ICT and US State Tourism Websites (paper)
    Zach, F. J., Xiang, Z., & Baggio, R. (2019).
    e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR), 17(3), 306-326.

  • Destination attractions system and Strategic Visitor Flows: An exploratory study (paper)
    Baggio, R and Scaglione, M. In F. Sánchez, C. Pautasso & K. Systä (Eds.), Current Trends in Web Engineering, ICWE2018 workshops, Cham (CH): Springer (2018), (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-03056-8_22).

  • Cross-citation and authorship analysis of hotel performance studies (paper)
    Sainaghi, R., Phillips, P., Baggio, R., & Mauri, A.
    International Journal of Hospitality Management 73 (2018) 75–84

  • Hotel performance and research streams: a network cluster analysis (paper)
    Sainaghi, R., Baggio, R., Phillips, P., & Mauri, A.
    International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2018. (doi: DOI 10.1108/IJCHM-07-2017-0461)

  • Network analysis: quantitative methods in tourism (paper)
    Baggio, R. (2018)
    In C. Cooper, B. Gartner, N. Scott & S. Volo (Eds.),
    The Sage Handbook of Tourism Management (pp. 150-170). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE

  • Strategic Visitor Flows and destination management (paper)
    Baggio, R., & Scaglione, M.(2017).
    Information Technology and Tourism, doi: 10.1007/s40558-017-0096-1.

  • Complexity traits and dynamics of tourism destinations (paper)
    Sainaghi, R., & Baggio, R. (2017).
    Tourism Management, 63, 368-382.

  • Hyperlink Network Analysis of a Tourism Destination (paper)
    Raisi, H., Baggio, R., Barratt-Pugh, L., & Willson, G. (2017).
    Journal of Travel Research (doi: 10.1177/0047287517708256)

  • The mobility network of European tourists: a longitudinal study and a comparison with geo-located Twitter data (paper)
    Provenzano, D., Hawelka, B., & Baggio, R. (2017)
    Tourism Review, 73(1), 28-43

  • The contribution of human migration to tourism: the VFR travel between the EU28 member states (paper)
    Provenzano, D. & Baggio, R. (2017)
    International Journal of Tourism Research (doi: 10.1002/jtr.2127)

  • Network Science and Tourism – the state of the art (paper)
    Baggio, R. (2017)
    Tourism Review (doi: 10.1108/TR-01-2017-0008)

  • Strategic Visitor Flows (SVF) analysis using mobile data (paper)
    Baggio, R. & Scaglione, M. (2017)
    Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2017
    (Proceedings of the International Conference in Rome, Italy, January 24-26)

  • Creativity and Tourism Networks – A Contribution to a Post-Mechanistic Economic Theory (paper)
    Fuchs, M. & Baggio, R. (2017)
    Critical Tourism Studies Conference, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (June 25-29)

  • The value of agent-based modelling for assessing tourism-environment interactions in the Anthropocene (paper)
    Amelung, B., Student, J., Nicholls, S., Lamers, M., Baggio, R., Boavida-Portugal, I., Johnson, P., de Jong, E., Hofstede, G.-J., Pons, M., Steiger, R., & Balbi, S.
    Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (2016), 23, 46-53.

  • Easing the adoption of agent-based modelling (ABM) in tourism research (paper)
    Johnson, P., et al. (2016)
    Current Issues in Tourism (doi: 10.1080/13683500.2016.1209165)

  • Complex tourism systems: a quantitative approach. (paper)
    Baggio, R., & Del Chiappa, G. (2016).
    In M. Uysal, Z. Schwartz & E. Sirakaya-Turk (Eds.), Management Science in Hospitality and Tourism: Theory, Practice and Applications (pp. 14-21). Boca Raton, FL: Apple Academic Press – CRC Press.

  • Mapping time series into networks as a tool to assess tourism systems’ complex dynamics. (pdf file)
    Baggio, R., & Sainaghi, R. (2015).
    Tourism Management, 54, 23-33.

  • Formal network analysis of a food supply chain system: a case study for the Italian agro-food chains. (pdf file)
    Clemente, F., Nasuelli, P. A., & Baggio, R. (2015).
    Journal of Agricultural Informatics, 6(4), 1-16.

  • Looking into the future of complex dynamic systems (paper)
    Baggio, R. (2015)
    Working paper, Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA) no. 65549.
    Online at: http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/65549/

  • Knowledge transfer in smart tourism destinations: analyzing the effects of a network structure (pdf file)
    Del Chiappa, G. & Baggio, R. (2015)
    Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, doi:10.1016/j.jdmm.2015.02.001

Tourism and technologies [ Turismo e tecnologie ]

  • Tourism and adaptation to climate change: an indicator for a climate-sensitive destination (paper)
    R. Baggio, 2024

  • Circular economy in tourism and hospitality: A micro-meso-macro framework for inter-disciplinary research (paper)
    Tomassini, L., Baggio, R., Cavagnaro, E., Farsari, I., Fuchs, M., & Sørensen, F. (2024).
    Tourism and Hospitality Research (Doi:10.1177/14673584241257870).

  • Getting the methods right (paper)
    Baggio, R. (2024).
    In C. Cooper & C. M. Hall (Eds.), How to Get Published in the Best Tourism Journals (pp. 79-90). Edward Elgar.

  • Stakeholder Assemblages of Destination Climate Adaptation (paper)
    Turner, J., Burrai, E., Cooper, C., Čavlek, N., Baggio, R., & Krajinović, V. (2023).
    Tourism Recreation Research, (doi: 10.1080/02508281.2023.2286562).

  • Unveiling the Critical Factors of Terrestrial Space Tourism Destinations (paper)
    Presenza, A., Messeni Petruzzelli, A. & Baggio, R. (2023)
    Tourism Planning & Development (doi: 10.1080/21568316.2023.2279566)

  • The intelligent use of Twitter ecosystems by destination management organisations (paper)
    Della Lucia, M., Presenza, A., & Baggio, R. (2023)
    Sinergie - Italian Journal of Management, Vol. 41, Issue 3, pp. 95-123

  • Reflections on digital Sustainability: epistemological considerations, ethical Issues and complexity challenges (paper)
    Trinchini, L., & Baggio, R. (2023).
    Abstract of paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Contemporary Studies in Management (CoSiM)
    [24-27 November], online.

  • Metaverse in the tourism domain - introduction to the special issue (part 2) (paper)
    Baggio, R., & Ruggieri, G. (2023)
    Information Technology & Tourism, (doi: 110.1007/s40558-023-00277-6)

  • Ethics, epistemology, complexity and modelling for digital sustainability (paper: https://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/12934/11341)
    Trinchini, L., & Baggio, R. (2023). 
    First Monday, 28(9) art. 12934

  • Metaverse in the tourism domain - introduction to the special issue (paper)
    Baggio, R., & Ruggieri, G. (2023)
    Information Technology & Tourism, (doi: 10.1007/s40558-023-00269-6)

  • The evolving landscape of partnerships of destination marketing websites: external hyperlinks from 1999-2018. (paper)
    Zach, F. J., Baggio, R., & Xiang, Z. (2023).
    Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, (doi: 10.1177/10963480231159055).

  • Un possibile modello di sviluppo sostenibile: Bacoli e la Piscina Mirabilis (paper)
    Baggio, R., Massa, C. & Moretti, V. (2022)
    Meridiana - Rivista di storia e scienze sociali

  • Big Data and Analytics in Hospitality and Tourism: A Systematic Literature Review (paper)
    Mariani, M. & Baggio, R. (2021)
    International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (doi: 10.1108/IJCHM-03-2021-0301)

  • Organisational Effectiveness for Ethical Tourism Action: A Phronetic Perspective (paper)
    Tomassini, L. & Baggio, R. (2021)
    Journal of Sustainable Tourism (doi: 10.1080/09669582.2021.1963974 )

  • Guest editorial: Knowledge management in tourism: paradigms, approaches and methods (paper)
    Valeri, M. and Baggio, R. (2022), Journal of Organizational Change Management, doi: 10.1108/JOCM-04-2022-506

  • Book review of McKercher, B. and Prideaux, B. (2020). Tourism Theories, Concepts and Models. (paper)
    Baggio, R. (2022).
    European Journal of Tourism Research 30, art. 3021.

  • Airbnb Host Scaling, Seasonal Patterns, and Competition (paper)
    Sainaghi, R. & Baggio, R. (2021)
    Engineering Proceedings 5, art. 4 (doi: 10.3390/ engproc2021005004)

  • Turismo e tecnologie informatiche oggi (paper)
    Baggio, R. (2021) in: Innovazione e Tecnologie Digitali per lo Sviluppo dello Smart Tourism,
    a cura di Valentina Ndou, Pasquale Del Vecchio (in stampa).

  • Are mom-and-pop and professional hosts actually competing against hotels? (paper)
    Sainaghi, R. & Baggio, R. (2020)
    International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (doi: 10.1108/IJCHM-08-2020-08821)

  • e-Tourism Beyond COVID-19: A Call for Transformative Research (paper)
    Gretzel, U., Fuchs, M., Baggio, R., Hoepken, W., Law, R., Neidhardt, J., Pesonen, J., Zanker, M., & Xiang, Z. (2020).
    Information Technology and Tourism, (doi: 10.1007/s40558-020-00181-3).

  • Smart tourism destinations: a critical reflection (paper)
    Baggio, R., Micera, R. & Del Chiappa, G. (2020)
    Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, (doi: 10.1108/JHTT-01-2019-0011)

  • A critical reflection on the adoption of blockchain in tourism (paper)
    Valeri, M., & Baggio, R. (2020). Information Technology and Tourism, (doi: 10.1007/s40558-020-00183-1).

  • Che cosa c’entra il digitale (paper)
    R. Baggio (2020)
    In M. Franch & R. Peretta (Eds.), Turismo, fragilità ed emergenze (pp. 33-69).
    Milano: McGraw-Hill Education

  • Substitution threat between Airbnb and hotels: myth or reality? (paper)
    Sainaghi, R. & Baggio, R. (2020)
    Annals of Tourism Research, doi: 10.1016/j.annals.2020.102959

  • Big Data e turismo: una relazione complicata (paper)
    Baggio, R. (2019).
    E. Becheri & A. Morvillo (Eds.), XXIII Rapporto sul Turismo Italiano – 2018/2019 (pp. 91-106).
    Napoli: CNR-IRISS - Rogiosi

  • e-Tourism economics: editorial for the special issue (paper)
    Provenzano, D. & Baggio, R. (2019)
    Tourism Economics (2019) doi: 10.1177/1354816619890222

  • Quantitative methods in tourism and hospitality: A perspective article (paper)
    Provenzano, D. & Baggio, R. (2019)
    Tourism Review, doi: 10.1108/TR-07-2019-0281

  • Advanced technologies for smart tourism destinations (paper)
    Baggio, R. (2019). International Conference on "Developing smart tourism in Ho Chi Minh City" (September, 7)

  • Creativity, innovation and smartness in destination branding (paper)
    Trinchini, L., Kolodii, N. A., Goncharova, N. A., Baggio, R. (2019)
    International Journal of Tourism Cities (doi: 10.1108/IJTC-08-2019-0116)

  • Beauty as a factor of economic and social development (paper)
    Baggio, R. & Moretti, V.(2018).
    Tourism Review, 73(1), 68-81.

  • Business Intelligence and Big Data in Hospitality and Tourism: A Systematic Literature Review (paper)
    Mariani, M., Baggio, R., Fuchs, M., & Höpken, W. (2018).
    International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (doi: 10.1108/IJCHM-07-2017-0461)

  • Measuring Tourism: Methods, Indicators, and Needs (paper)
    Baggio, R. (2018).
    In: Cooper, C. and Fayos‐Solà, E. The Future of Tourism: Innovation and Sustainability,
    Heidelberg: Springer (in press).

  • Tourism Distribution Channels: Knowledge Requirements (paper)
    Colombo, E., & Baggio, R. (2017).
    In N. Scott, M. De Martino & M. Van Niekerk (Eds.),
    Knowledge Transfer to and within Tourism: Academic, Industry and Government Bridges (pp. 289-301).
    Bingley, UK: Emerald

  • Building confidence measures for tourist destination choice (paper)
    Marmo, R., & Baggio, R. (2016).
    International Journal of Tourism Sciences,17(1), 61-66.

  • Beauty and Creativity and Their Role in Fostering Economic and Social Development (paper)
    Baggio, R., Moretti, V., & Fuchs, M. (2016).
    Paper presented at the Valuing and Evaluating Creativity for Sustainable Regional Development
    (for the 10th Annual Meeting of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network), Östersund, Sweden (September 11-14)

  • Big Data, Business Intelligence and Tourism: a brief analysis of the literature (paper)
    Baggio, R. (2016).
    Paper presented at the IFITTtalk@Östersund: Big Data & Business Intelligence in the Travel & Tourism Domain,
    Östersund (SE), 11-12 April.

  • La bellezza come fattore di sviluppo economico e sociale (paper)
    Baggio, R. & Moretti, V. (2015)
    Working paper, Researchgate, doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3293.7049
    Online at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/290435071

  • Beauty as a factor of economic and social development (paper)
    Baggio, R. & Moretti, V. (2015)
    Working paper, Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA) no. 66194.
    Online at: http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/66194/

  • Evaluating Facebook pages for small hotels: a systematic approach (pdf file)
    Mich, L & Baggio, R. (2015)
    Information Technology & Tourism, 15(3), 209–231.

  • A practical approach to big data in tourism: a low cost Raspberry Pi cluster (pdf file)
    d’Amore, M., Baggio, R., and Valdani, E. (2015).
    ENTER2015 - 22nd International Conference on Information Technology and Travel & Tourism
    Lugano (CH), February 3-6

R. Baggio - Last update: November 2021
